“It’s your breath, in our lungs, so we pour out our praise to you only…. “ So goes the chorus of one of my favorite worship songs. The words and music always grab my heart and thoughts as I contemplate the rich gifts of life which our creator has provided us. Were it not for him not only would we have no life, we also would have no true peace, joy, nor any real purpose in this life we live.
I choose each morning to start my day with thanksgiving; with the beauty of God’s word, songs of praise, prayer for my family and for those who need God’s grace (of course, this means every single one of us); for daily provisions, for healing. And while not every prayer is answered in the way that I might prefer or anticipate, every prayer is answered, in his time.
How amazing it is that we have a god who hears our cries, even in the darkness of night when our hearts are hurting. He hears and knows our every need even before we bring our cares to him.
My prayers are most sincerely for those who are in much less fortunate circumstances; those who struggle daily to have their most basic needs met, including physical safety and well-being. My prayers go up to the Father of All for those who are persecuted, tortured, and put to death for his name. I pray that I would have such strength as to withstand these things should persecution come our way, and to do so with grace and thanksgiving, receiving comfort from my God.
But today I also offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for all that God has done for this endeavor, God’s Good Table; for the beautiful work that He has granted us the strength and ability to perform. And for my daughters, Erin and Abby, whose hearts of love and servitude exceed my own; who patiently work with me side-by-side. For my husband and all our children, without whose support and patience I could never accomplish half of what I do.
I am equally thankful for those such as our dear friends Paul and Darla Frank, Joy Farrar, Joel Salatin, and many others who stand behind us, encouraging and mentoring us as we strive to reach our goals of helping, serving, teaching, “Sharing the encouraging message of health, healing & hope through timeless principles rooted in God's word.“
We are especially thankful for each of you, our friends, supporters, followers. You are the reason we do what we do, and without you our efforts fall flat. Our hearts are filled with gratitude!
Thank you, Lord, for all of these things. And now, let us go forth and serve!
- Maureen
Here are a few of our family's favorite holiday recipes!